God Hears!


Question: What does 1John 5:14-15 mean?


There is no doubt that God hears all, all the time!

However, the meaning in the Reference you question, is that at certain times in the history of the world’s people, God seems to be totally silent all the time; and to the extent that people stop believing in His existence!

That is a major error of misunderstanding!

God is “silent” at the present time, due to His dealings with Israel (see Malachi), and the Gentiles; and when the stage of Zech.12:10 is reached; the world will know His Majestic actions and Presence!

See Ezek. 39:21–29; and work backwards and forwards from these verses, with cross references; and you will be amazed at the events yet to be.

This current time is “the Age Time of Grace, in the Sacrifice of Christ Jesus” for the Sin of the world; John 3:16!


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